Compare and Contrast Essay: Science Fiction and Fantasy Books

Have you ever wondered what the differences between Science-Fiction books and Fantasy books are? Well worry not, you’re not the only one who has. Many people consider Science Fiction and Fantasy as one genre with only a slight difference between them. I’m sorry to say they’re incredibly mistaken. So to repudiate the formerly mentioned statement, and to put a cessation to the lackluster belief that those two genres are considered the same, I shall mention a few differences between them. For starters Science Fiction is based on technological or scientific advances, while Fantasy is based entirely on myth, folklore, Magical systems, and the supernatural, as well as the fact that the Science Fiction world and ideas are not entirely impossible and may be realized in the future, while Fantasy is a world of imagination, never to become real. Yet no two things in the world are devoid of similarities, and these two genres are no exception. In fact they are both forms of fiction, and both may sometimes share the same elements. So in this essay I shall provide further explanation on the differences and similarities between Science Fiction and Fantasy.

To begin with, one of the most distinguishable differences between Science Fiction and Fantasy is the use of technology and science, since Fantasy usually lacks these elements. Sci-fi usually features a futuristic world, spaceships, electronic devices which are yet to exist, and mostly anything scientific.

For instance the book series Star Trek or Star Wars, both of which include the use of spaceships, space wars, and incredibly advanced technology, are considered an ideal example. Meanwhile Fantasy mainly revolves around mythical creatures such as unicorns, vampires, werewolves, witches, and fairies. This proves that Fantasy is a world built from people’s imagination, having no relation whatsoever to science or technology. Some say that Fantasy is as old as mankind. An example of a Fantasy novel is Lord of the Rings, which revolves around hobbits, wizards, and battles for a magical ring that grants its owner immortality.

Another point that differs between Science Fiction and Fantasy is the possibility and the chance of realization. What distinguishes Science Fiction from other types of fiction is the possibility of it occurring in real life, what with science and erudition increasing and improving by the moment it’s more than possible. Since Sci-fi is mainly about technology and manmade objects and instruments, it is considered somewhat realistic. So many people nowadays delve deeper and deeper into the world of Science Fiction, be it by reading books or watching movies, but those who have really reached the bottom are the ones who work on annulling ‘Fiction’ from Science Fiction. As opposed to Sci-fi, Fantasy is nowhere near possible, for it blatantly defies the rules of logic science, and the universe. Fantasy is entirely based on imagination and unrealistic thoughts, such as the thought of cities in the sky, homes underwater, humans on other planets, and most important of all, magic. Therefore Fantasy is simply the manifestations and incarnations of people’s dreams and hopes and imaginations.

On one hand, Science Fiction and Fantasy are both forms of fiction, and are not based on true events or something that actually happened, therefore they are considered fictional. Science fiction is mostly based on futuristic events, and a world of technology and modernization even more improved than the current one, which has yet to exist. For instance, the book Divergent is based entirely on the author’s imagination or his prognostication for life in the near future. Meanwhile fantasy is completely and wholly considered a work of fiction. For it is replete with mythical and supernatural creatures, and events that contradict reality and common sense. By way of example, the Harry Potter book series, which circles around a world of wizardry, unrealistic creatures such as trolls and dragons, and places and events that do not exist and never will. Therefore, Science Fiction and Fantasy are undeniably works of fiction, elicited from the author’s imagination.

On the other hand, science fiction and fantasy may sometimes coincide with one another on a particular element. Such as a Science Fiction novel that includes magical creatures or any fantasy based element. Moreover a Fantasy novel may also involve either scientific or futuristic elements. Consequently there are, of course, books that fall into a gray area and even merge these two genres. A term that has been applied to these is ‘science fantasy’. An example would be The Gathering, which is mainly a fantasy adventure with some science fiction elements. The book revolves around shape-shifters trying to accommodate themselves with living an ordinary life, which covers the fantasy element. Meanwhile the science fiction elements are the laboratories, syringes, and advanced technology. Therefore in such cases, where they are not entirely the same they are too tightly knit to be separated completely.

Finally, we have come to the conclusion that no two things are completely similar, yet they are never devoid of similarities. Science fiction and fantasy are both works of fiction, yet science fiction is not entirely impossible. In addition to both having different bases, it is not unusual to find a little bit of both joined together. Being an avid reader myself I find that I enjoy fantasy novels more often than science fiction, but a bit of both won’t hurt anyone. Books are books after all, made for entertainment, education, or simply a way to pass time.

, by Marya Akkad

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